Integrated Holistic Kung Fu: Education in Intelligent & Sustainable Living

Kung Fu Renaissance: a total revolution returning to the origin

An integrated holistic Kung Fu (IHK), or Zen Tai Gong with and under the directory of leaps of quantum consciousness (LQC), a life break through.

A total Kung Fu revolution is happening here and now for the future new era of sustainable eco-living and with the total presence of spatial intelligence of artificial general intelligence (AGI) and beyond to rise above the present auto-pilot state of consciousness in our world of reality, returning to the origin of Chan (Zen) & Kung Fu coherence, that is the integrated holistic Kung Fu (IHK), to unveil the deep state of innermost consciousness, transcending beyond the conflicts of three dimensional life being, that may enlighten us to observe and see the true world, either macro or micro, in the universe of physical and metaphysical realm, that is the Dao with total new way of perceiving, conceiving and experiencing through leaps of quantum consciousness (LQC).

LQC: Zen Tai Gong is that integrated holistic Kung Fu with the new conscious course of Zen Tai Kong in that deep meditative state of coherence, that state of leaps of quantum consciousness (LQC), a life transformation and life breakthrough.

That deep Zen state of consciousness coherence is total freedom with compassion and that is the key for our future consciousness beings in the era of artificial intelligence (AI) and especially AGI. Humanity must have that perpetual self-learning and self discovery to observe the innermost consciousness of wisdom, leading AI and AGI with compassion and a heightened consciousness of love to create a new life with new ways of perceiving and conceiving to act upon the self-simulated and innerly projected universe.

Old ways of living have been reactionary and automatic, through their grounding in largely unconscious mental processes. There is no way for human beings to compete with AI in data analysis and all the tasks characteristic of our old ways of living. Thus, this new era demands waking up one’s inner intelligence to thrive transcending beyond the attachments of thoughts and memories in a world of the past, especially at the presence of AGI and other sophisticated technologies with spatial intelligence.

If human society can shift total attention to love and high conscious dimension of awareness and compassion, the new era of AI will not only serve humanity but will free humanity to be able to perceive, conceive, and observe the inner intelligence, that frees each of us from the old bonds of sufferings, diseases, passive learning, and dull living.

Are we able to mimic AI or AGI in the way we meditate and achieve higher consciousness, or are AI or AGI able to completely mimic us the human beings, or can we employ AI in some kind of direct or indirect way to assist us to replace our auto-pilot and mechanical way of thinking and repetitive acting to meditate into our innermost deep consciousness of wisdom, transcending with LQC, beyond AI and AGI to create, discover and design directing AI behavior in future production with compassion and kindness?

With all those inquiries in mind, we see future education of perpetual self-learning and self-discovery imbued with inner freedom and responsibility for future sustainable eco-living with AI and AGI with spatial intelligence and beyond, a life with cosmic Love & Compassion starting here and now.

Current education is all material and visible appearance based. It is partial. There is an urgent need for integrated holistic education. That is a total education of IHK or Zen Tai Gong with its consciousness course guide of Zen Tai Kong to see, observe and actually live a life in the holographic realm of consciousness being both innerly and outwardly. That education is to unveil the greatest potential of each consciousness being from within with one’s own light and one’s own endowed freedom and responsibility in the evolution of humanity.

Education for the future era of eco-living is to learn and observe to be harmonious in all relationships, that includes the relationship with the environment, all consciousness and sentient living beings–including human beings, other animals, plants, and conscious beings from planets outside our solar system, in one among billions of galaxies that exist beyond the Milky-way.

The future eco-living is not rooted in the egocentric self or based in a shortsighted, earth-centric vision of the future, rather it provides us with a new vision to perceive and conceive far beyond the solar system, beyond the material world of cosmology, and beyond the separated and fragmented universe at the physically (particle based) based macro or micro realm. Eco-living sees the future as one of the greatest harmonies in a symphonic orchestra within and without.

From the new perception of formless insight of consciousness of humanity connected to the totality of the cosmic consciousness in the innate way of fundamental oneness with the ability to observe inwardly, deep into the particular individual with finite consciousness of the mind and heart but also into the deep cosmic consciousness matrix. The cosmic consciousness projects and simulates all that exists in the cosmos down to the life of us earthly beings. All conscious and sentient living beings are so interconnected and intertwined to the whole of the holographic cosmos or possible multiverses.

No-one is separated from the whole, and everyone is totally connected to another through the cosmic consciousness matrix. Each one of us is actively participating in the projection of the cosmos in observation where the observer and observed is in fact one no other, and each therefore fully participating in and actively projecting and constructing a simulation of all that is, including one’s self and one’s world of being. What we perceive and conceive is what we realize in reality both mentally and physically.

Future eco-living must see beyond limited technologies and physical science in the domain of the material and visible world of being alone. One must see and observe deeper into the innermost consciousness of intelligence that gives rise to not only humanity but all sentient beings on earth and beyond. What is currently thought of as “smart living,” survival of the fittest in separation from and in competition with others, full of conflicts and suffering, is no longer valid in that future living. That kind of living is self-centered and leads only to self-destruction; that old way of living is totally engaged in self-deception and dissipation, replacing all the healthy, united energy with a chaotic energy frequency that brings tremendous stress, sufferings, and sorrows along with various diseases.

That old way of living is totally obsolete because it is the wrong course of consciousness energy frequency, incoherent to nature and incoherent to the consciousness of cosmos. It is disharmonious, and it is fragmented. It separates each living being in confrontation with the others; that mode of living and thinking dissipates tremendous life Qi, inviting all of the diseased states of mind and body.

Future sustainable eco-living demands one tap into the total consciousness of intelligence and wisdom, and consciousness of the original source of light of the cosmos to empower oneself and to see through and leap with quantum consciousness beyond the egocentric self we identified, the cliques and groups we made, and the self-imprisoning system of societies current humanity we have built in the past, which is stuck in tremendous conflicts and self-destruction.

The only way forward is to meditate with innermost deep observation (that is Zen Tai Gong), that leads to inner heightened love, the light of our innermost conscious being aligns in resonance with the cosmic divine light which projects all formless potential. All of the observable and unobservable cosmos become accessible when the observer sees oneness between the observer and observed. From here and now one may perceive and conceive to take leaps of quantum consciousness into the awakened future of wisdom and love with total freedom. Freedom of humanity with compassion is the key for our future survival especially in the total presence of AI and AGI. Humanity needs to learn and to lead AI and AGI with compassion and heightened consciousness of love to discover and create a new life with totally new ways to perceive and conceive.

Indeed, freedom is the key to thinking with a totally new perception constantly elevating oneself in the innermost consciousness of observation, penetrating deep into the core of humanity and of the cosmos. That inner freedom in each individual “I” to see and explore the totally conscious holographic universe in connection with all sentient beings can be likened to one particular cell in the human body seeing, caring and connecting to the entire organism, experiencing itself as inseparable from the trillions of other cells and existing as a whole instead of as a separate part.

Love with compassion prevails and connects all conscious and sentient beings. All of the eco-living, education, and future business must be based on that love and compassion. That is the highest principle of all that is, in the consciousness of eco-living, and it is the main common thread that connects all that is.

With the ever presence of AI and eventually AGI and its rapidly growing ability to replace the repeated, dull work that has enslaved humanity, we are now at a crossroads. We must decide if humanity should continue to exist in an enslaved state or if it should take a leap of quantum consciousness to experience a totally new conscious life in which wisdom is the key that opens the door to totally free, conscious eco-living. All human beings who intend not only survive but thrive in this new era of eco-living must wake up and upgrade to a heightened conscious energy frequency that aligns with the new era of high consciousness of intelligence and eco-living. That eco-living allows for one to be totally free, free from diseased states of the mind and body. That living allows for one to free themselves from self-sabotage and self-destruction. Put in these terms, there is no choice at all; we should all be determined to thrive in this new reality. That eco-living gives rise to a life of total freedom along with total responsibility.

That living has no concern about increasing one’s quality of material life through competition with others, but it pays attention to mental, physical and spiritual development with the great innate capacity of allowing one to open up their inner light and unveil their inner potential in connection with the innermost consciousness of wisdom.

Old subconsciousness living was reactionary and automatic. It will be replaced with total mindfulness ( total awareness with total attention to the whole) in this new era. This is not only because there is no way for human beings to compete with AI in data analysis and all the many tasks characteristic of that old kind of living, but also because leading and being in harmony in this new era of eco-living demands waking up one’s inner intelligence to thrive in a world with a high presence of AI and other sophisticated technology and bring much-needed love and compassion with greater consciousness. Without that total transformation in the human innate consciousness of intelligence and wisdom, there is only one path, and that is self-destruction. Our future living will be mediated and created through a totally new perception by each one of the awakened ones in all of us. The future is now. The past is gone, and the future is here because tomorrow has not yet, or may have never arrived.

Love stops all self-cheating and all self-destruction. Let’s breathe and live with compassion and reverence for all life.

LQC: Total Consciousness of Intelligence in the Integrated Holistic Education beyond AI & AGI in Creative Mind of Thinking

A totally different education is on the rise to meet the new era of eco-living in creation with a totally new perception and conception of the universe. Awakened inner intelligence with love and compassion is required to lead humanity into a new era. That is not only totally vital to a Golden Child of the future, but it is in great demand for all humanity. A new era of AI will not only serve humanity but will free humanity to be able to perceive and conceive and observe the inner intelligence, freeing from the old bonds of sufferings, diseases, passive learning, and dull living.

As AI increasingly replaces the work of human beings, humans will no longer be forced to carry out automated and machine-like living under dull working conditions; they will be totally free to rise to high consciousness of intelligent living to create and to see beyond competition and conflicts. There is love and compassion connecting all sentient and conscious living beings. Self-destruction, division, and war is absolutely unnecessary and must be abandoned.

Education is no longer memorizing and copying but creating a new world of high consciousness beings in resonance with the conscious matrix of the cosmos, and of course in connection with all sentient beings on earth and in the Milky Way, this universe and beyond.

LQC: Golden Child Education Project

To meet the new era of eco-living, a child of naivety and innocence without deep-rooted pollution and conditioning is the key for rising above that old world of living which is full of rigid educational methods that value memorization, a form of copying that imprisons self-expression and authentic learning.

As LQC – Zen Tai Kong observes and perceives the direction of consciousness must be changing. A golden child’s way of learning is Dao (innate pathless path of cosmic consciousness) , that is changing or returning to the innate projection of the origin, highest consciousness of light with full creativity and full ability to discover and unveil the innermost consciousness and greatest potential of intelligence within. This self-natured intelligence can be encouraged and it naturally prevails and expresses itself in all children who are on the pathless path. A child is originally and naturally a genius.

It is not necessary for children to read all the old books or follow outdated, rigid and partial educational models, as there is no absolute way of learning. Education must align to the nature of each child and bring out a new creative and innovative mind of intelligence. Every child can be and will be a genius because each child is endowed with that self-natured intelligence from the conscious matrix of cosmos that everyone is connected to.

That education is part of the new era of eco-living and is without old limitations, boundaries, or dogma. It is a totally free and integrated holistic education that values self-learning. All educators must be awakened to the great potential of a self-learning mind in this new era of high-dimensional consciousness. Each child must be free to learn whatever harmonizes with that child in various areas of physical and mental intelligence. A new species of humanity is awakening.

An open mind with high consciousness and a healthy body in each child is the key to intelligence in this self-motivated, personalized education, self-learning and self-discovery.

All activities of LQC in the integrated holistic Kung Fu – Zen Tai Gong programming and reprogramming with various events must be totally free without an old mode of thinking and open to meet the needs of all beautiful and young minds. To activate and enlighten the innate light of life intelligence of a child is the future era of sustainable eco-living with vitality, compassion, love and wisdom, that is now.

Each golden child is a key to the future eco-living so that integrated education in total intelligence in lieu of just old knowledge and methods is of vital importance.

In this new era of eco-living, it may be that spacetime is no longer as it was. It may be in the new era of eco-living that one can see the doom of spacetime, only present as one sees the infinity of the cosmos and the true essence in all organic and non-organic lives, both individually and as a whole in the field of quantum consciousness. A great leap of quantum consciousness is in each of us, and we all play a role in bringing forth a new conscious life revolution.

The new era needs a great inner revolution of the mind and a totally new, integrated holistic education that is totally free and creative.

LQC: Self-Health, Self-Healing and Natural Healing Education

In that future era of eco-living, one must depart from the stressed and diseased living habits, free from that old autopilot mode by freeing their subconsciousness of fear and worry. To eliminate diseased states of mind and body, the key is to be totally free, free from all the attachments of thoughts, beliefs and superstitions and so on… It requires tremendous energy to empower oneself to be free, to be consciously intelligent with cosmic wisdom, and to be in a great awakening of inner consciousness of wisdom with the LQC-integrated holistic kung fu (IHK) of reprogramming of the body and mind, rewriting and replacing old diseased genes with new, healthy genetic information and coherent energy frequency in resonance with nature and cosmic consciousness. All that comes from the formless nothingness of cosmic consciousness of wisdom and inner observation of the deep state of our consciousness beyond the five senses as evidenced by today’s epigenetic discoveries and quantum biology. 

All the old DNA blueprints which contain and reflect old frames of mind and old dogmatic beliefs and superstitions must be rewritten and replaced with an awakened mind and body of intelligence in the totally free eco-living world of this new era. All health and healing comes from within and does not require dependency on drugs, medical devices, or the authorization of another.

Immune system empowerment is vital to health and natural self-healing. It allows the mind and body to communicate and organize and work together for the most fundamentally healthy life. The optimal immune system needs to be recharged with tremendous life Qi empowering and perpetual energy. This demands not only a cleansed body but a cleansed mind filled with natural, nutritional information and living with tremendous health and live energy. To bring about that change and life transformation, the key may be LQC – Zen Tai Kong and Zen Tai Gong which is all about changing the course of consciousness and reprogramming the mind and body to unveil the infinite potential for the future eco-living era.

Healthy cosmic conscious information is the key to health. What one eats and drinks makes a great difference in one’s health and consciousness and in the awakening of their inner intelligence. DeRu smoothies and recipes of veggie nutrition in LQC- Zen Tai Gong is one of the great ways among many to make that natural connection possible.

999 Medibreath in Zen Tai Gong may be and can be the initiation to that higher conscious state of body and mind empowerment, providing individuals with tremendously needed energy that surpasses many other methods of self-health, ultimately allowing them to discover their own method of self-healing without defined systems.

LQC: Vision and Education of Future Sustainable Business Operation and Executives High Dimensional Consciousness Upgrades

To live in the new era of eco-living, business must change, freeing from the old model, and undergo a great transformation away from the old competition and division and toward greater cooperation with conscious synergy and harmonious energy frequency aligned with the conscious matrix of the cosmos.

All the executives and employees are no longer in hierarchical positions or ranked by status. Every one must rise above the low-minded consciousness of ambition and so-called “success,” which has created quite the opposite. Competition and division only serves to separate people from each other and has led to tremendous confusion, a chaotic energy frequency full of conflicts, and has dissipated so much needed energy and life force Qi required to unveil that inner intelligence in this awakened world of being. In that world being, the old construct of society will be broken through to be naturally replaced with new in flow and in harmony.

All in one and one in all may be the new vision for all to perceive and conceive to create a new era of eco-living and working where conscious working and conscious living is intertwined into the Oneness. This requires a high energy frequency and a coherent energy frequency that directs us to an infinite plainfield of heightened consciousness that is imbued with harmony and love. That totally new way to perceive and conceive is vital to all that live and work in the new era. LQC – Zen Tai Kong can be one of the most important guiding lights in the new pathless path of consciousness for perpetual self-learning with Zen Tai Gong practices for that new era of living.

LQC: Sports Athletes and Physical Education

A healthy body with a healthy mind is the key for all living beings, especially human beings, not only to survive but to thrive in the new era of eco-living. The Olympics will continue, and athletes will continue to thrive with a totally new perception that allows them to conceive of all sorts of new ways of training with great awareness of innermost consciousness and living with high energy frequency and love. That leads to new discoveries of new heights in various spectra of sports and human physical and mental status of being. That total living as a holographic wholeness of the consciousness being with total freedom of the body and mind is inseparable and wholly (holy). LQC can be the key to open the mind and body and unveil the infinite potential.

All children and all adults will be keeping up with their health and wellness. People do not only train and live with ultimate and unlimited potential of physical and mental intelligence, as well as abilities for various unlimited talents, but most importantly, they live with vitality, passion, and love in flow with all energy in Wu Wei and Wei Wei Er Wu Bu Wei. Human beings’ life turns into a new era of conscious longevity with quality of healthy living.
All training methodologies and nutritional advice will be totally transformed in great consciousness and potential of intelligence and wisdom within.

LQC: Sustainable Self-Health Senior Eco Living

As humanity enters into a new era of eco-living, senior citizens have higher consciousness and high physical capability demands so as to live and thrive with vitality and high quality of living in the much elongated future lifespan.  In this new era, there are high demands of integrated holistic kung fu (IHK) such as LQC – Zen Tai Gong and Zen Tai Kong education along with the Dao of Zen consciousness pathless path of living so that the senior citizens can rise above and beyond the old frame of thinking and old frame of cultured living that sabotage the plasticity of the senior citizens’ mental and physical capacity in their infinite potential of  developments.  

That LQC is to pave the way to heighten the innermost consciousness of intelligence in both physical and mental wellbeing of not only in each finite individual but in the whole as humanity evolves. Those totally new inner and outer ways of living are on the natural rise, penetrating into all populations of humanity. Let’s breathe deeply in silence to learn and explore the unknown future of humanity and the infinite potential of a new era of eco-living.