Kung Fu Renaissance, Returning to its original,
A total Kung Fu revolution

Integrated Holistic Kung Fu-Zen Tai Gong

November 8, 2024
2:30 PM – 6:30 PM

November 10, 2024
6:00 AM – 7:00 PM

The Integrated Holistic Kung Fu – Zen Tai Gong will be held on Friday November 8th from 2:30 PM through 6:30PM and Sunday November 10th all day long with special seminars/workshops with various spectrums of Kung Fu topics and training sessions from 7::00 AM to 6:00 PM along with final certification and presentation.

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Kung Fu Renaissance Podcast

Kung Fu renaissance, returning to its original, a total Kung Fu revolution - LQC Integrated Holistic Kung Fu Zen Tai Gong for Future Sustainable Eco-Living

Zen Tai Gong is an integrated & Holistic Kung Fu combining both 999 Medibreath, internal and external Kung Fu along with Zen Tai Kong, a totally new perception of projected reality of cosmos and of life in high dimensional consciousness beyond the three dimensional world of spacetime. 

It is to awaken the innate intelligence of high consciousness in the motion of energy frequency in mental, emotional and physical health and wellness to unveil the infinite potential of the finite self in resonance with the consciousness matrix of the cosmos.

The true pathless path of deep state of meditation and observation to unveil the infinite and innermost consciousness of innate life intelligence behind the coherent energy frequency,  that manifestation of visible reality of the universe. 

To empty the mind and observe the true nature of the universe one must let go of all the attachments of the past in memories in old conditioned mind to open to observe the essence of life and fundamental consciousness behind the manifestation of reality and visible universe to be in the state of observation where the observed and observer is one in non duality and nonlocality beyond spacetime so as to see the interconnected whole of life and cosmos. 

Three Major Groups of
Integrated Holistic Kung Fu Program:

Future Leading Creative & Innovative Executive & Entrepreneurs

for the new era of sustainable eco-living in general AI and beyond

Future Leading Candidate of Assistant Teachers & Instructors in Self-Health & Wellness

 through LQC ( Leaps of Quantum Consciousness) with Integrated & Holistic Kung Fu – Zen Tai Gong Program

Future Executive Assistant Teachers and Instructors

to guide and assist Entrepreneurs, Executives and future general AI designers, and Operators for the new era of sustainable eco-living on the arrival of the total general AI revolution and beyond

Integrated Holistic Kung Fu Zen Tai Gong Class Schedule

November 8, 2024
2:30 PM – 6:30 PM

2:30 PM Opening: Brief Intro to the Kung Fu Renaissance: Returning to its Origin, A total Kung Fu Revolution with Integrated Holistic Kung Fu (IHK), of Zen Tai Gong, and 999 Medibreath 3-6-9

3:30 PM Zen in practice total attention with 999 Medibreath to connect with the Ancient Kung Fu initiation of Ba Duan Jing

4:30 PM Kung Fu Renaissance and Returning to the Origin of a Kung Fu Total Revolution: Integrated Holistic Kung Fu.: Introduction to the basis for self-health, which is the empty mind that leads to the  creation of new life in the new era of eco-living

5:30 PM Zen Tai Gong Flex with initiation into consciousness stretching of the Yi Jin Jing initiation

6:30 PM Zen Tai Gong Combos: An introduction to the ways that IHK observation and deep meditative penetration 

7:30 PM staff communication

November 10, 2024
6:30 PM – 7:30 PM

6:30 AM 999 Medibreath meditation with 36 and 48 plus and 6-12 brief
7:30 AM Breakfast
8:30 Am LQC, AmoHI. Zen Tai Kong Integrated Holistic Kung Fu -Zen Tai Gong as a whole Breaking-down in categories of class listed and select a few to fit as integrated holistic KF
9:30 AM 6-12 plus with Damo Yoga, Deep mind meditation
10:30 AM Silk reeling dragon ball plus
11:30 AM Zen Tai Gong free expression lunch
1:30 PM Brief 6 Models of Zen Tai Gong with brief meditation
2:30 PM DeRu Recipes
3:30 DeRu Smoothies and DeRu Energy frequency and inner connection resonance
4:30 PM General Feng Shui and energy frequency in relationship with people and nature – environment perception and conception inner project Consciousness and subconsciousness with pilot automation machine lie learning and data collection in memorization
5:30 PM Sanshou/Sanda Kung Fu
6:30 PM Presentation and awards with certification
7:30 PM Final gathering 

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